Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Some Sobering Perspective on the Gulf Oil Spill

This, is an emotional picture.

A delicious blue crab, ruined by the BP oil spill. Thanks, asshats!

Now, from a more rational standpoint, I was wondering with my pops one day about the actual scope of the oil spill.

The media has done their best to paint an ecological apocalypse - hey, it drives ratings, so I get it - but part of me always thought: "Isn't there a KAJILLION gallons of water in the gulf to begin with?"

Well, the AP does a good job of putting the oil spill into perspective.

This stat, blew me away: the oil spill right now, wouldn't even fill the Superdome 1/7th of the way up!

Now that doesn't mean it's GOOD. Or that we should send home the oil skimmers and stop laying boom. It doesn't mean BP's CEO can go yachting or Obama can go golfing.

Oh wait, never mind that last sentence.

But the larger point, is that the Gulf of Mexico will recover. The Minerals Management Service should get its governmental ass kicked. Drilling will and should resume in the gulf. We'll hose off as many pelicans as we can, and move forward.

Yeah, this is awful. But never underestimate the power of the media to overhype something.

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