Monday, August 6, 2012

Usain Bolt: Greatest Name Evah!

If Usain Bolt were named "Roger Terwilliger Jr." he would STILL be an eyeball-locking sports phenom of the highest order. He's not just the fastest man on the planet - AGAIN - but he has a flair, a cockiness, and a stride that is nothing short of hypnotic to watch.

And he's NOT named "Roger Terwilliger Jr."

Usain Bolt.

C'mon. That has to be a stage name, right?

Usain, as in "Insane"and Bolt as in, "Lightning?"

Nope. Not a stage name. Born with that.

Like the Gods themselves had pre-ordained this kid to be a human rocket. Amazing.

Now, for something on the other end of the spectrum: race walking.

I could spend many thousand words mocking this "sport." But why bother, when somebody sent me an even better clip from Modern Family  Malcolm In the Middle, which does the trick.


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